Saturday, May 10, 2008

The biggest Scam In Network Marketing - Leads

Whether you have been involved in network marketing for a day, a week, a month or a years, the one thing that your sponsor or upline tells you that you have to do is buy leads. you may spend between $50 and $2000 or $3000 per month, maybe even more. Then when you are not sponsoring people you will be told that your attitude is not right, you don't know the script, or any of a thirty or forty other reasons. It all boils down to ITS YOUR FAULT for not following the system.

I am here to tell you that it is not your fault. There is a better way. I have been in network marketing for over 10 year. I have spent over $50,000 buying leads. Sponsored over 100 people into my business. The is a cost of over $500 per person. After two years there were only eight people still doing the business with me and four who were spending $1500 per month. The does not sound like a DUPLICATING to me.

Now you have the opportunity to find out how you can network market without buying another lead. Click this link to download a free e-book that can help you get started towards being successful in network marketing.

Enjoy your visit and the learning process.

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